Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 25 - 36 of 104 in total

Dinner and Dessert w/ Ms. Alexander

Green Valley

Dinner and Dessert w/ Ms. Ouye

Green Valley

Dinner and Dessert w/ Ms. Randsell

Green Valley

Dodgeball and Pizza w/ Coach

Coach Matt

Doggies and Dinner w/ Ms. Logan

Green Valley

Ice Cream Party w/ Ms. Dyer

Ms. Dyer

Ice Cream Party w/ Ms. Merrifield

Green Valley

Ice Cream Party w/ Ms. Roderick

Ms. Roderick

Mr. Templeton Kickball/Pizza Party


Ms. Bidwell Kickball/Pizza Party


Ms. Nelson Kickball/Pizza Party


La Bocce Vita w/ Ms. Damaschino

Ms. Damaschino